serangan island and its half finished mega project

serangan festival

Serangan Island and its mega project overview

As the main destination to a tropical holiday in the world, Bali has millions of foreign tourists each year. So to facilitate them and also with the aim to get more of them visiting, Bali continues to grow for that purpose in the most extraordinary speed.

Some time ago, ever held a giant mega project which plans to build a bridge connecting the Serangan Island and Tanjung Benoa. But the progress is rather slow due to protests from many groups. Now the project could even be said discontinue as there is no significant activity for its development.

In the situation of the abandoned project, some time ago had held a festival called the Serangan Green Festival for its second time which has just ended on last Sunday, with the aim to popularize the tourism sites. But unfortunately the attention of tourists is still not fully lead to this place.

But verily, in this place have hidden potential that its value could even be same to famous places like Kuta and Sanur. Imagine you could do the surfing, diving, water sport, and swim in one place very close together.
Utilizing the half-finished project, the family often used it as a place for picnic. In addition to the vast available land, the landscape was very unusual and riveting. Indeed, some even use it as a place to practice driving illegally.

If the mega project could be completed, perhaps this place will become the biggest tourist attractions for Bali Region. But in such condition that even now, this place is still visited by tourists and local residents even though the amount is not much.

serangan project

Serangan Island is crying

Surely, in its time first, the Serangan is a very beautiful island. With Pura Sakenan as its icon. In this place is also very popular with sea turtles. Currently, the Sakenan Island serves as breeding places for the preservation of Turtle.

Besides turtles, other marine products are also very famous in this place. No wonder the place is used as an icon of seafood. At the time of the Serangan Green Festival on its second time last week, sea dish remains the main menu of the most interesting more than the festival itself.

Many fishermen and local residents who deplore the construction project to link the island and Tanjung Benoa. In the previous times, owners of boats capable of generating revenue by renting his boat to cross, this time it is no longer. With the bridge, peoples could easily cross over by using their vehicle, which means less revenue for boat owners. Even the result of the mega project, the beautiful coral reefs must be sacrificed.
Some time ago the local residents seems crying to see the projects that are not completed to date. And the beauty of the real charm of a Serangan Island is now a distant memory. But it is slowly the island gradually recovered and began to be visited again by the tourists though still within the amount that is not too much.

serangan beach beauty

Serangan Island seabed is a hidden treasure

Although the "surface" of this island has experienced a setback, but the underwater natural charm remains as a hidden treasure. A few moments later it has even become quite crowded dive sites demand. Because it is in this place, the coral reef is the main symbol and also things that can attract the attention of divers, although a few moments ago been destroyed as a result of a mega project. On the occasion yesterday, the government began again to seek the preservation of coral reefs.

In addition colorful fishes and beautiful coral reefs, the catch of eatable fishes is also abundant. This place is often used as a fishing spot by the fishermen and those who have a hobby of fishing.

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