who wants to lay down on the beach filled with garbage?

who wants to lay down on the beach filled with garbage
Although the cleaners have worked so hard to maintain the environment, but the problem of garbage is what it seems never-ending. I don’t know who own the responsible that have donated their garbage in not proper place.

In several popular beaches and most visited, the problem of garbage is also a thing you will meet. Fortunately Kuta beach and surrounding areas have garbage’s level fairly low when compared with other beaches that are not too far away. Like the German beach we've ever discussed in our previous article, the rubbish on the beach is a problem that needs our attention.

You can see it through the image how the garbage thrown in not proper place.
Should we blame the cleaning officers on this issue? Or maybe this is an opportunity for us to reflect back to our habit of not throwing garbage in the proper place. When the sand on the beach was filled with trash, will there be peoples who still want to lie on the sand? We don’t.

This is not the times to blame each other

We spotted many local residents who leave the remaining food or drink wraps just on the sand. We also spotted visitors or tourists who also do the same in an amount not much less when we comparing them together.

Now all we need is awareness. We do not require the suspect to be blamed or blame each other between local residents and foreign visitors. It would be nice if they, we, me and you are trying together to keep the beaches clean for the sake of our collective comfort.

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